Smartclip Acquires Realytics For Linear TV Buying Capabilities


Smartclip, the adtech company of RTL Deutschland, announced the acquisition of Realytics, adtech pioneers spearheading the convergence between TV and digital in France and Europe. The combined adtech solutions will help measure the impact of TV campaigns on websites.

Realytics’ proprietary demand-side platform (DSP) Adkymia complements the smartclip supply-side platform (SSP) and ad server to create a true competitive advantage in the adtech market by giving access to, 

  1. Powerful attribution capabilities and data, enabling advertisers to attribute TV viewers to their digital customer journey and 
  2. Solutions for automated data-driven linear TV buying. Adkymia adds access to buy-side and advertiser data to the RTL adtech offering and enables sophisticated ad decisioning algorithms that are able to compete with digital tech powerhouses.

“Realytics systematically analyses the impact of TV advertising on advertiser websites and leverages these data points with state-of-the-art AI algorithms for better decisioning in traditional linear TV buying,” stated Thomas Servatius, co-CEO and managing director at smartclip Europe. “This is another important step, complementing the recently announced TechAlliance, a joint venture with Amobee offering a cross-screen DSP for programmatic TV buying.  The acquisition of Realytics enables us to tap into all touchpoints of sales and usage data and offer advertisers an all-encompassing view into TV audiences out of one hand. Realytics meet the market’s expectations regarding specific knowledge about drive-to-web and deliver comprehensive data about the customer journey of TV audiences.” 

The integration of Paris-based Realytics into smartclip’s adtech stack marks the entry for smartclip’s business into the French market, adding a local team of 25 employees. The company has ongoing relationships with all TV broadcasters in France – including TF1, FranceTV, Canal+, and M6.

“Through the acquisition by smartclip we embark on a journey to extend the unique capabilities of the Realytics attribution and Programmatic TV offering across Europe,” said Guillaume Belmas, CEO of Realytics.

“Together, we are developing a robust end-to-end ecosystem complying with the individual requirements of broadcasters and advertisers. We share a common vision of the TV media evolution and its convergence with the digital world. Our joint ambition is to offer a unified pan-European technology solution specifically tailored to local market needs.”

The Realytics brand and offering will stay unchanged. The leadership and founders of Realytics, Guillaume Belmas, CEO, Sebastien Monteil, CTO, and Vincent Nguyen Huu and Gregory Bittan, both senior engineering managers, will continue in their current positions.