Tools to Boost Your Customer Experience Management


Your business growth can be turbocharged if you invest in the right customer experience management software (CEM). We help you navigate the landscape of tools 

The enterprises treating their customers as individuals are the leaders who thrive. They have systems in place to demonstrate that their voice matters which in turn inspires long-lasting loyalty and trust, all leading to solid business growth and longevity. 

However, these customer opinions or feedback coming through several channels can sometimes become overwhelming; how can one process these opinions or feedback and find the golden nuggets that matter the most and prioritize action? This is where customer experience management platforms make it an easy process. Check out our list of top-rated customer experience management (CEM) platforms.

Adobe Experience Manager

A comprehensive content management system (CMS), Adobe Experience Manager (formerly known as Adobe CQ) enables you to create assets for web, mobile, and social media platforms and manage content. One of Adobe Experience Manager’s most significant advantages is that it makes it simple to build a robust enterprise toolkit that includes web analytics, paid advertising management, and the ability to A/B test digital content. Adobe Experience Manager is a component of Adobe Marketing Cloud, a comprehensive Digital Marketing solution. Additionally, its open architecture makes it simple to integrate with software systems in use.


Big Contacts is the ideal CRM solution for small enterprises to handle prospect lists and sales pipelines. One may track contacts by activity, opportunity, stage, last contact, and other custom fields, and one can import all client communications into one location. In order to convert prospects into customers, it also enables them to automate operations, establish marketing campaigns, spot possibilities, and produce thorough reports.


Various tools are available from ContentSquare to analyze client journeys and display the findings. The advantage of this is that designers and developers can understand the insights it provides. A remarkable tool for knowing where to prioritise is the zone-based heat maps that clearly show how many clicks and conversions any section of a website earns.


Clarabridge is a central center for customer feedback that enables one to hear the crucial input regardless of the volume one gets. Irrespective of the input source (social media, email, chat, surveys), one can channel it and modify the website accordingly. Having a Natural Language Processing engine that gathers and organizes data gives enterprise clients, who get a lot of feedback, an advantage. Additionally, Clarabridge provides sophisticated sentiment analysis with templates for various businesses or touchpoints to reduce time on configuration. Stakeholders receive real-time email alerts when data indicate something odd is occurring, allowing them to take rapid action.


Genesys Cloud is an all-in-one cloud contact center system that unifies phone, email, chat, and social media through a single, simple application, giving agents a 360-degree picture of clients. Outbound Campaigns, which execute dial modes and campaign techniques to increase agent productivity, are among the software’s features that can be set up in minutes, fulfill compliance standards, and have these features.


Online audience measuring platforms like Gemius’s GemiusPrism solution is intended for analyzing vast numbers of visits and includes sophisticated segmentation options (for visitors and events). In addition to providing reports that can be exported to various file kinds, GemiusPrism also provides charts that make the data easier to see during internal reviews and presentations.


With the use of text analytics, Medallia, an AI-powered experience management platform for the cloud, enables agents to comprehend the “why” behind scores by assisting in the discovery of themes, sentiment, and underlying satisfaction drivers in unstructured data. The Suggested Actions extract proposals based on deep learning and automatically find actionable suggestions intended to have the most significant impact. Through the use of risk scoring, at-risk clients can be found, and the motivations behind their behavior can be better understood.


In addition to ensuring higher conversion rates, multivariate testing may improve the CX by making it feel like one’s product page, and customers are a better fit. One can accomplish both with Maxymiser. Running A/B and multivariate tests for websites, mobile sites, and social media is possible with the program. Additionally, it enables the use of predictive analytics to personalize the consumer experience better. To construct customer profiles, Maxymiser collects many types of information about each internet visitor (behavioral, CRM, and industry-specific). This makes it possible to precisely forecast the best experience for a specific consumer and show them the best offers most suited to their needs.


With enough accuracy, Optimove wants to be able to plan customer journeys so that there are dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of “micro-segments” along the way. The technology links communications, websites, and digital advertising while tracking long-term client commitment. Understanding where the customer could be and then customizing the following section to assist them in making a purchase are the main goals of reporting and analytics.

To link your internal frameworks to Optimove’s system, the company also maintains a selection of open source frameworks.

ProProfs Live Chat

One can give customers immediate assistance and improve their experience with ProProfs Live Chat. One only needs to add the live chat widget to the website or application to get started. To give r visitors a rapid resolution, one can offer real-time help, automatically route discussions to the appropriate department, use preset responses, and more. One may also set up chat invitations and product announcement pop-ups to increase engagement.

The option to integrate an AI chatbot is another critical aspect of this technology. Utilizing a drag-and-drop builder, one can create conversation flows for the AI chatbot to help visitors and customers even at odd hours.

ProProfs Survey Maker

ProProfs Survey Maker provides a variety of interactive ways to get consumer input, including surveys, graded quizzes, polls, tests, web forms, and evaluations. To get unprompted feedback about the user experience from the website’s users, one may even include a feedback sidebar.

One can build survey campaigns quickly thanks to the ability to run surveys and quizzes simultaneously across different channels and a drag-and-drop survey editor. It also has a specific reporting section where users may monitor survey performance in real-time. Among other indicators, one can track quiz results and completion rates and analyze each response.


The on-site retargeting tools provided by Picreel enhance the user experience of visitors to the website by displaying special offers, time-limited discounts, and other promotions through expertly crafted pop-up overlays. Additionally, one can design quick pulse survey pop-ups to gather consumer feedback.

One can target various customer types and actions to activate the overlay at the appropriate time during a client’s journey. Use the built-in advanced targeting settings to display the pop-up to returning visitors, visitors who are leaving, users of a particular device or area, and more.


The customer experience management software Qualtrics XM provides insights that can inspire (and lead to) action throughout a whole organization. It fits organizations of all shapes and sizes. The software aspires to be the first to hear and comprehend customers at every significant touchpoint. Conversations can be enabled by email, SMS, the web, mobile apps, wearables, or IoT devices. The program is well-known for its surveys, research, and experience management features. Qualtrics iQ analyses feedback to find trends and patterns and generate accurate predictions about consumer behavior.


ResponseTek‘s speech and text analysis products offer insights into both the customer’s and support agent’s sides of a conversation, which is a unique selling advantage. This can be used in various ways, including to indicate unfavorable interactions in a contact center setting and assist with training and improving the tactics of support employees. This can help support agents following difficult contacts in addition to assisting in identifying training opportunities for agents.


Satmetrix employs voice and text analytics to collect input from various sources, such as surveys, feedback requests, and support interactions. In addition to providing with more knowledge to lower churn and save at-risk clients, Satmetrix can indicate trends and patterns to pay attention to. It can also send automated processes to support agents to ensure that the issues it discovers are resolved.

SAP Emarsys

A “client engagement platform” is what SAP refers to as its entrant in the space, Emarsys, to emphasize its focus on message delivery across various platforms, including email, advertisements, and in-store. To take advantage of cross-platform synergy, it is intended to connect multiple forms of communication. For consistency and coordination, a group of pre-built marketing campaigns can be synced and customized across all platforms.

A visual flowchart editor that supports the kind of low-code or no-code programming that marketing teams typically have access to is used to develop and modify campaigns. The application extracts consumer data from the primary database, personalizes the message, and then applies artificial intelligence to anticipate and fine-tune the delivery.


UserTesting is a great way to collect input on accessibility and first impressions before the website launch or before an update release. The pre-decided demographics can be provided feedback by offering them some tasks to perform and asking them questions later. Sincere impressions are collected by recording users’ screens and thoughts in real-time. 

Although this is excellent for delving further into specific input, it lacks the automated tools necessary to analyze that feedback, necessitating the usage of external voice analytics.


A comprehensive cloud-based tool for online user research is called UserZoom. One may cost-effectively conduct remote, unmoderated web and mobile usability testing while collecting client feedback. Businesses pay annually rather than per study, which gives them the flexibility to meet all of their needs. A launch program for new users of UserZoom includes installation of the product, training, and integration advice.


One may directly impact clients’ experiences by helping them through live chat, co-browsing, or self-help with Verint‘s Web Experience platform. Businesses can provide individualised customer service in this fashion, despite heavy traffic. Additionally, the platform offers mobile and social media customer support options. To evaluate the effectiveness of customer care teams and ensure that the voice of the client is heard and taken into consideration.


Zendesk, based on AWS and trusted by enterprises of all sizes, allows to effortlessly connect with and comprehend customer data wherever it may be hosted. It enables to create a live chat, call center, and help desk software to improve client connections. Use features like analytics, customer segmentation, feedback management, knowledge management, survey management, multi-channel data collection, predictive analytics, sentiment analysis, and more, along with a user-friendly dashboard for a unified view to create CX solution with Zendesk Sunshine, the company’s open and flexible CRM platform.

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