Co-op And Microsoft Team Up To Tackle Food Waste With Caboodle


Co-op and Microsoft have formed a partnership to launch the Caboodle platform, aimed a tackling food waste.

The non-profit platform is supported by BJSS and Team ITG and enables UK supermarkets, cafés and restaurants to connect with community groups and volunteers to redistribute surplus food.

Caboodle will be built on Microsoft’s Power Platform technology.

“The amount of good quality surplus food that’s not currently being redistributed is astounding,” Co-op interim CEO Shrine Khoury-Haq said.

“We’re currently trialing Caboodle in over 100 food stores and the results we’re seeing so far are incredible. We’ll be rolling it out across our entire estate next month and hope that all other retailers and businesses within hospitality will see the benefit too. “

“The more organizations use Caboodle, the simpler and more effective it will be for volunteers and community groups to gain access to good food.”

Caboodle is being tested in Co-op stores throughout Northern Ireland, Milton Keynes and London goes live next month across a further 2,500 stores.

Community groups outside of these areas can register here now to be notified of when the initiative is operating in their area.

The platform will be open to charities and community groups, including food banks, family support networks and schools.

Microsoft CEO Clare Barclay added: “One of the best things about Caboodle is not just the impact it will have, but also that it came from a chance conversation between a Microsoft employee and a Co-op store manager about how to stop good food going to waste.”

“Low code development using the Microsoft Power Platform means anyone can turn great ideas into real solutions.”