Rent-A-Center Enhances CX With SundaySky Video Platform


Rent-A-Center, the rent-to-own operator, is using SundaySky, the SaaS video platform, to markedly improve the customer rental experience and agreement process through personalized video while aiming to boost its Web NPS to be in line with Store NPS.

Rent-A-Center came to SundaySky to augment the brand’s multi-page rental agreement documents into easy-to-digest, ultra-personalized customer videos that could be distributed across multiple touchpoints and customer scenarios at scale. Using SundaySky’s SaaS platform, Rent-A-Center was able to create, personalize, update and distribute videos in less than three months, including a national launch after a successful 2-week proof of concept pilot.

“We’re very aware that video has exploded, customer attention spans are dwindling and their experience with the brand is everything,” said Sarah Philips, VP of Marketing at Rent-A-Center. “Since the pandemic, we’ve significantly grown our online presence and needed a digital component to engage, inform and improve the customer experience. With SundaySky, we executed that need in rapid time and without the need of traditional video production methods. In turn, our NPS is showing early improvement for online customers. Another important KPI is first payment non-renewal, which should improve now that we’ve found a medium and platform to explain the transaction better. Moreover, we’re developing even more ways to use video in the customer journey.”

The urgent demand to create and personalize videos at scale in a short time frame is a growing need for major enterprises and mid-size businesses alike, according to new research from SundaySky. In “The Pulse On Professional Video,” a report released today commissioned by SundaySky and performed by CITE Research, a survey of 570 leaders found that:

  • Video has increased by 82% over time, and 89% of companies who use video today plan to continue or increase their current use of video in the future.
  • For those already doing video, one-third of a group’s total budget is reserved for video.
  • Businesses are expected to produce videos at a rapid rate, with two-thirds (67%) claiming they update videos daily or weekly.
  • Despite the growing needs and emphasis on video creation velocity, three out of five organizations rely on traditional methods for video production.

“Rent-A-Center is a glowing example of how quickly and efficiently major brands and enterprises can create, personalize and distribute video at scale today when technology is at the helm,” said Mark Tack, CMO at SundaySky. “Our research shows that three out of five organizations rely on traditional methods for video production, but Rent-A-Center’s video campaign illustrates the multifaceted benefits brands can expect when they create a customer-centric, data-driven and technology-enabled video strategy.”

While SundaySky’s latest research found that more than half of businesses (55%) do not personalize the video, Rent-A-Center was able to take four pages of each customer’s rental agreement and create a 1-to-1 customer video that explained agreement features, payment details, local support contacts, payment options and more in approximately 2 minutes worth of video.

“We work in a relationship-driven business where our coworkers and managers are interacting with existing customers sometimes every week, at minimum monthly, for a long period of time,” said Steve Savary, Executive Director of Operations Strategy at Rent-A-Center. “It was imperative that our video captured this personalized approach so that when customers transitioned from in-store to online, their individualized experience remained the same. SundaySky’s platform made incorporating our customer insight into every video and scenario simple without a heavy lift on our end.”