Algolia Launches Merchandising Suite


Algolia, providers of a platform for search and discovery, has unveiled a Merchandising Suite that uses real-time signals, product availability, and promotional strategy to define marketing strategies. The new suite can scale up to 4.5 billion search queries in a single event, with peaks reaching 7.2M requests per minute.

The Algolia Merchandising Suite helps companies orchestrate product display, promotions, pricing adjustment, and inventory management from a single, no-code merchandising console. It also includes category-level merchandising and artificial intelligence-based optimizations that enable automatic re-ranking and drive machine learning (ML)-based recommendations. It also delivers a massive product catalog and inventory data management in real-time with AI-led automation.

The Algolia Merchandising Suite provides the following components:

  • Merchandising Console, which enables commerce teams to create and execute strategies, analyze performance in real-time, and make appropriate adjustments, all from a single location;
  • Visual Editor, which allows merchandisers to build, deliver, and control  customer experiences, zoom in and out of category-level strategies and implementations, perform rapid tests with product placement and promotions by pinning, hiding, boosting, burying or filtering items to create the most visually appealing pages, aided by the attractiveness score at the category or product level;
  • Analytics, which can measure and improve the impact of a merchandising strategy through insights gained from user engagements from a category page or query.

“Digital merchandisers are core to the success of an ecommerce business, and we’ve built the Algolia Merchandising Suite specifically with this audience in mind. We studied a day in the life of a merchandiser and applied insights to design a suite of offerings that can maximize user benefits,” said Bharat Guruprakash, chief product officer of Algolia, in a statement. “Just as products in a store are strategically positioned for maximum impact, digital merchandisers must position their products in the right categories and optimally surface these categories and subcategories when the customer is browsing their digital store.”