Bloomreach Announced New Snapchat Ad Integration


Bloomreach, the Commerce Experience Cloud, announced businesses can now integrate Snapchat ads with Bloomreach Engagement.

The integration will allow marketers to drive more efficient ad spending by using customer data and key segments from Bloomreach Engagement to reach the right shoppers with each ad, ultimately lowering customer acquisition costs. A platform with 319 million daily active users with over $4.4 trillion in global spending power, Snapchat presents a significant opportunity for marketers to reach a generation of customers who view social media as a critical piece of the shopping journey.

With paid media channels growing more expensive, it has become critical for marketers to optimize ad spend. Integrating businesses’ Snapchat ads with Bloomreach Engagement’s single customer view offers that optimization. Marketers can automatically sync their Bloomreach Engagement first-party customer data and activate audiences in real-time through the ad platform, just as they currently do with Facebook or Google Ads, and use AI predictions to see which audiences are best suited for targeted ads. They can quickly deploy ad campaigns based on these insights, putting relevant ads in front of customers most likely to purchase.

On average, Snapchat users open the app 30 times a day. With such high levels of user engagement, integrating its ads with Bloomreach will give marketers opportunities to consistently re-engage existing customers in a channel they frequent, generating higher customer lifetime value and revenue. Integrating Snapchat into the omnichannel shopping experience will enable Bloomreach customers to discover new value in their existing and target markets.

“Social media hasn’t just impacted e-commerce — it has reshaped shopping expectations for a generation that’s about to harness most of the spending power across the globe,” said Amanda Elam, Chief Marketing Officer, Bloomreach. “For Gen Z, the shopping journey, by definition, crosses channels, often starting with social media. They expect to discover, learn about, and even purchase products directly from their social platforms. This is a critical channel in every marketing strategy, and with our new Snapchat integration, we’re helping marketers utilize it in a way that drives more efficient ad spend and more relevant experiences for customers.”