Finavia Develops The Customer Experience at its Airports


Valuable data collected from passenger surveys and the observations made by Finavia’s customer service representatives are at the heart of developing the customer experience.

Finavia continuously develops the customer experience at its airports.

“We want to provide arriving, departing and transfer passengers with a smooth, stress-free and memorable experience at our airports,” says Katja Siberg, SVP, Marketing, Communications and Customer Experience at Finavia.

Feedback collected from customers and the refined data based on the feedback are valuable tools in development efforts.

“We obtain information on customers’ wishes and needs from our regular customer surveys, direct customer feedback and the observations made by our personnel. This information enables us to respond to customers’ wishes quickly as necessary,” Siberg notes.

Many changes have been made at Helsinki Airport on the basis of customer feedback.

“We have made changes to the service offering and signage based on customers’ wishes, for example. In addition, we use operational data for the continuous development of aircraft parking spaces and turnaround times, which creates a smoother travel experience for transfer passengers.

Customer service work is changing, but the encounters between people are as important as ever

Finavia’s customer service representatives are responsible for customer service in the airport terminal, at the information desk, the parking service desk and the parking areas. The customer service unit at Helsinki Airport alone employs nearly 100 people.

The customer service representatives’ observations at the airports are part of improving the customer experience.

“Our work now has many added dimensions, so we need to have a broad skill set. We are able to serve our customers in every situation. For some of us, our duties can even change in the middle of a shift,” says customer service representative Jouni Saarinen, who has been a member of Finavia’s customer service organization since 1996.

There have also been changes in the customer base.

“We have a much larger number of customers now, and more and more of them are international passengers. People travel more and, consequently, our customers now have higher expectations. We do everything we can to meet or exceed those expectations.

While there have been changes, it is still as important as ever to provide customer service with a personal touch.

“Tools and technology change, but the work itself does not. Passengers also value personal customer encounters.