OneBill Integrates With Hubspot, Elevates CRM


Businesses can now have the peace of mind that their customer records will be accurately duplicated and updated in real-time

Companies using OneBill’s platform to manage their billing and monetisation operations will now have the advantage of leveraging powerhouse Hubspot’s intelligent CRM tools, thanks to a newly developed integration.

One ongoing challenge for businesses is ensuring that accurate customer data is not only held accurately in their CRM but efficiently mirrored in other system-wide businesses. Poor data quality is costing the US economy approximately $3.1 trillion annually. Moreover, it has been found that CRM databases include 10-25% critical data errors.

Through this new OneBill and Hubspot integration, businesses can now have the peace of mind that their customer records will be accurately duplicated and kept up-to-date in real-time. More specifically, the integration will enable businesses to:

  • Sync OneBill Subscribers as Contacts in HubSpot
  • Sync OneBill Orders as Deals in HubSpot
  • Associate HubSpot Deals with Contacts
  • Sync HubSpot Contacts as Subscribers in OneBill
  • Sync HubSpot Quotes as Quotes in OneBill

One of OneBill’s customers, ISP provider BlazingHog has already been test-driving the new integration and has been reaping the benefits of having their customer records in sync with their billing data. BlazingHog’s Chief Executive Officer, Thomas Filla, mentioned that thanks to this new integration, “We are now able to determine the actual cost of acquisition. Earlier, the information was not being tracked efficiently as there was no way to tell which channel specifically attributed to the sale. With this automation, we are now able to see the complete customer acquisition journey and attribute revenue to each touch point.  Now we can focus on the advertising sources that maximise value.”

Founder and CEO JK Chelladurai remarked, “Maintaining CRM data integrity and accuracy continues to be a growing priority for our customers, and so we are ecstatic to introduce this integration with one of the top CRM providers in the game”.