What To Expect At The Alexa Developer Conference


Amazon’s annual Alexa developer conference, due on July 20, 2022, will talk about the science behind conversational AI

The Alexa developer conference, organized by Amazon, is set to take place virtually this year. It will delve into strategies followed by brands like RedBull, Panera, Philips, and Akinator to stay ahead of the curve. 

Prem Natarajan, Vice President, Alexa AI – Head of NLU at Amazon, Nataki Edwards, Director, Customer Experience at Amazon, Aron Rubenson, VP of Alexa, and Dave Limp, Senior VP of Amazon Devices are among the speakers.

Here’s our pick of the top sessions:

Build the ambient home together with Alexa

The way we engage with one another has been modified by smart speakers, smart screens, and voice assistants. These devices are becoming more prevalent in customers’ homes, giving them convenience. This session explores new features that help you deliver smart home experiences that customers love today and tomorrow.

Drive skill engagement and retention

About 75% of business customers want organizations to create personalized experiences, understand their specific needs, and provide appropriate recommendations. Personalization is a big topic in the marketing industry, but it’s important to keep in mind that it’s a subject that affects both corporate and consumer shoppers. This session hopes to teach attendees how to drive skill engagement and offer personalized experiences to customers.

Up close with Alexa smart home and Matter

Just a few months ago, Amazon announced new Matter support for device makers that allow brands and developers to create entirely new and differentiated voice-forward experiences for their customers. In this session, attendees will learn how developer tools can help build across protocols. 

Grow your business with Alexa

Customers’ interactions with technology and services have evolved as a result of voice interfaces. Every week, customers use Alexa billions of times through hundreds of millions of Alexa devices in their living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, automobiles, and other places. Close the gap between your brand and your customers by using voice. Customers should be able to interact with your products and services in an easy, natural, and hands-free manner. Make use of your existing games, stories, and material, or develop new voice-first experiences for your consumers. This session focuses on monetizing Alexa’s features by adapting them to your brand. 

For more information – https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/alexa/alexa-live